
a new game very simple

like the childhood games we used to play

but helped out by many wikis and AI

you can have Goku from Dragonball Z and a DND 11th level wizard fight against Warhammer 40K

but there wont be just one way to play it so have it as a github that people can fork and do fun things with

we just provide the framework

so there should be different kinds of attacks just like from the games that there are and the characters should have different defenses but you can decide this at the start of the game

the important thing is the AI that is the Game Master and decides what is fair and gives a story to everything

basically just overlay all the games onto this game

also proxies are recommended and encouraged but you can also use models if you want but they dont have to be accurate

the idea is to make some perfect versions or someone will and then we all use those versions

just make it flexible enough so that an obsessive compulsive genius can find them and publish them

the rulesets should be able to be named so that it encourages people

basics are like some kind of open dnd system definitely not warhammer

but you can roll lots of dice like warhammer but lots of d20s

but the AI can just do all of that too, so that is optional